Pine Street Inn

Lerancia Banner

Lerancia — Feeling Energized

Lerancia worked hard to support herself, building her small shoe store into a thriving business. When her store was vandalized, she had to close down the shop. Suffering from the sudden loss of income and unable to recover quickly enough, she became homeless. Lerancia came to the Yawkey House women’s shelter looking for support.

At Yawkey House, Lerancia’s case manager told her about Pine Street’s housekeeping job training program. "I had earlier experience in housekeeping, so I jumped at the chance for a fresh start," Lerancia says. "The staff here helped me put together my resume and apply for housing."

Now, in an apartment of her own, Lerancia is looking for a job and is excited for the future. "I feel energized, and I hope to start a housekeeping business. Thank you, Pine Street!"

Continue reading Lerancia's story.

Home Remedy 2025

Join Us for Home Remedy: 
A Breakfast to Benefit 
Pine Street Inn

The Home Remedy breakfast brings together more than 600 of Greater Boston’s corporate and philanthropic leaders to support Pine Street Inn’s mission to end homelessness. This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, April 29 at 8:15 AM at The Westin Copley Place.

Join us to hear from Leon Powe, former Boston Celtics player and part of the Celtics 2008 championship team. Leon will share his moving story of going from homelessness to becoming a professional basketball star. New England Patriots announcer Bob Socci will interview Leon, with GBH Radio’s Callie Crossley serving as emcee.

Funds raised will assist more than 2,100 people who turn to Pine Street each day for help in rebuilding their lives.

Click here to learn more and to purchase a sponsorship or ticket.

Boston Marathon Team

Support Pine Street Inn’s 
Boston Marathon® Team

Ready, set, go! Pine Street Inn is honored to be an official charity of the Bank of America Boston Marathon®. This year’s team of runners includes Benjamin Bryant, Caitrin Burke, Angelo Ferreira, Madeline Koelbl, David Krakauer, Colleen Leddie, David Magrone, Jocelyn Magrone, Nick Nurcanyan and Kristofer Wilson. 

Our thanks to these dedicated runners, who are raising funds to support Pine Street in moving people off the streets, out of shelter and into a home and community.

Learn more about Pine Street's Marathon team.

Lyndia on I Spark Change

Lyndia Downie on
the "I Spark Change" Podcast

President and Executive Director Lyndia Downie joined host Rick Ornellas for an episode of "I Spark Change," a podcast focused on people around the world who spread positive change.

Lyndia discussed how Pine Street’s "housing with support" model enables individuals to connect with resources like medical and behavioral healthcare, job training and jobs as they rebuild their lives. 

Lyndia also addressed misconceptions about homelessness. "Homeless folks are like the rest of us," says Lyndia. "They want to be safe; they want to get on with their lives."

Listen to the full interview.

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Pine Street Inn

444 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02118 | 617.892.9170