Pine Street Inn

Michelle S. Banner

Michelle S. — Jumping for Joy

Michelle first became homeless after escaping a violent relationship. For 17 years, she was on and off the street, struggling with substance use disorder. Pine Street Inn’s outreach team connected with her and built a relationship over time.

“Shelters were not for me, but the outreach team never gave up,” Michelle says. “Eventually, I agreed to look for housing. I still remember the day I got my own place. I was so happy that I started jumping for joy.” 

Five years later, Michelle is in recovery and continues to enjoy her apartment in one of Pine Street’s 39 permanent housing locations, as she receives support from staff and enjoys her neighborhood.

Continue reading Michelle's story.

Lyndia Downie in Boston Globe

Celebrating Lyndia Downie's
40th Anniversary!

Lyndia Downie first joined Pine Street Inn in October 1984 as a temporary administrative assistant, intending to go to law school. Instead, she has stayed at Pine Street for 40 years, advancing through a variety of positions. In 2000, she became president and executive director.

“The place grows on you, what can I say?” Lyndia says. “The staff then and now are just an amazing bunch of people. You marvel at the work they do in a place where mission has always been first."

Lyndia has focused on expanding permanent housing, transforming the lives of thousands of people over the years.

Read about Lyndia’s commitment to ending homelessness in The Boston Globe.

World Homeless Day 2024

Marking World Homeless Day

Thank you to Josh Kraft and the New England Patriots Foundation for partnering with Pine Street Inn for World Homeless Day. 

Nine players from the Patriots assembled more than 100 outreach bags with essential items like socks, snacks, water and toiletries for people on the streets. Pine Street’s friends from the Empowerment Plan donated 100 winter coats, which will be distributed by Pine Street’s outreach team to keep people warm this winter

Watch coverage on WBZ-TV.

Voter Registration Drive

Getting Out the Vote

Pine Street Inn's recent voter registration drive helped guests and tenants learn about their voting rights and understand the Massachusetts ballot questions for the upcoming election. Many people who are homeless do not know that they can use the shelter address to register. 

Lyndia Downie was joined by Lt. Governor Kim Driscoll, State Representative John Moran and League of Women Voters President Kerry Costello, who talked about the importance of voting. Staff will encourage guests and tenants to go to the polls on November 5. 

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Pine Street Inn

444 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02118 | 617.892.9170